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Twitter chat puts the spot light on juvenile solitary confinement

Ending the inhumane practice of solitary confinement in juvenile facilities is among the greatest civil rights struggles of our time; and, judging from the overwhelming response to the #EndYouthSolitary Twitter chat we hosted last month, many of your agree.

The one-hour exchange, co-hosted by the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and the Youth Justice Coalition, elicited nearly over 500 responses from hundreds advocates from across the Twitter-verse – among them actor and activist Jessie Williams, civil rights attorney Van Jones, and internationally recognized scholar and social justice advocate Dorthy Roberts.

Indeed, the response was so enormous that, according to Twitter’s trend report, #EndYouthSolitary was among the top five most used hashtags during the hour the chat ran!

The responses were varied, but on one point all were in agreement. Juvenile solitary confinement is an ineffective and inhumane correctional practice.

Check out highlights from the discussion on our Storify and learn more about our efforts to bring justice for youth in California:

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